Existing series

Produced in 1979-2005

Series filmed at studio Bratři v triku (1979 - 1995)

1. SERIES (13x7') - Bob & Bobby - Top Hat Rabbits (1979)

In year 1979 in cooperation between artist Vladimír Jiránek and director Václav Bedřich, the famous heroes of the Czech evening dramas Bob and Bobby first time appeared on television screens.

The first 3 series of 13 parts short animated films were animated between 1978 and 1995 in the Prague studio “Bratři v triku” for Czechoslovak Television. 

Studio Bratři v Triku - Director Václav Bedřich, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – Na ulici
Bob & Bobby – On the street

Bob a Bobek – Na zahradě
Bob & Bobby – In the garden

Bob a Bobek – S koloběžkou
Bob & Bobby – With a scooter

Bob a Bobek – Truhláři
Bob & Bobby – Joiners

Bob a Bobek – U pumpy
Bob & Bobby – At the pump

Bob a Bobek – Na bruslích
Bob & Bobby – On skates

Bob a Bobek – Na stavbě
Bob & Bobby – On construction

Bob a Bobek – Ve vzduchu
Bob & Bobby – In the air

Bob a Bobek – Na útěku
Bob & Bobby – On the run

Bob a Bobek – Na moři
Bob & Bobby – On the sea

Bob a Bobek – Ve škole sportu
Bob & Bobby – In the sports school

Bob a Bobek – Na výletě
Bob & Bobby – On a trip

Bob a Bobek – Na koncertě
Bob & Bobby – At the concert

That’s all from the 1st series

2. SERIES (13x7') - Bob & Bobby - Top Hat Rabbits (1985)

Studio Bratři v Triku - Director Václav Bedřich, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – Za rohem
Bob & Bobby – Around the corner

Bob a Bobek – V ZOO
Bob & Bobby – IN A ZOO

Bob a Bobek – Stěhují
Bob & Bobby – They are moving house

Bob a Bobek – V restauraci
Bob & Bobby – In restaurant

Bob a Bobek – Hlídači v parku
Bob & Bobby – Watchmen in the park

Bob a Bobek – Na letišti
Bob & Bobby – At the airport

Bob a Bobek – Na lodi
Bob & Bobby – On a ship

Bob a Bobek – V lese
Bob & Bobby – In the forest

Bob a Bobek – Na atletických závodech
Bob & Bobby – At athletics events

Bob a Bobek – Na horách
Bob & Bobby – In the mountains

Bob a Bobek – Na diskotéce
Bob & Bobby – At the disco

Bob a Bobek – Bez klobouku
Bob & Bobby – No hat

Bob a Bobek – U moře
Bob & Bobby – By the sea

That’s all from the 2nd series

3. SERIES (13x7') - Bob & Bobby - Top Hat Rabbits (1995)

Studio Bratři v Triku - Director Václav Bedřich, Miroslav Walter, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – Šťastní výherci
Bob & Bobby – Happy winners

Bob a Bobek – Čistí okna
Bob & Bobby – Window cleaners

Bob a Bobek – Zachránci
Bob & Bobby – Rescuers

Bob a Bobek – V manéži
Bob & Bobby – In the circus arena

Bob a Bobek – Opraváři televizorů
Bob & Bobby – TV repairmen

Bob a Bobek – V galerii
Bob & Bobby – In a gallery

Bob a Bobek – V balónu
Bob & Bobby – In a balloon

Bob a Bobek – V lázních
Bob & Bobby – In the spa

Bob a Bobek – Na pouti
Bob & Bobby – At the fair

Bob a Bobek – Při povodni
Bob & Bobby – During a flood

Bob a Bobek – Ve službách vědy
Bob & Bobby – In the service of science

Bob a Bobek – Návštěva z vesmíru
Bob & Bobby – A visit from space

Bob a Bobek – Na ostrově
Bob & Bobby – On the island

That’s all from the 3rd series

Series filmed at Ateliéry Bonton Zlín (2003 - 2005)

4. SERIES (14x7') - Bob and Bobby on the road (2003)

The first series, which was filmed at Ateliéry Bonton Zlín. Since this series, the classic opening theme song has undergone radical changes and the hat starts flying. Bob & Bobby using a flying hat they travel around the world. This is explained in the first part of this series

Atelier Bonton Zlin - Director Ivo Hejcman, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – Jak začali létat…
Bob & Bobby – As they began to fly…

Bob a Bobek – V supermarketu…
Bob & Bobby – In supermarket…

Bob a Bobek – Hvězdy reklamy
Bob & Bobby – Advertising stars

Bob a Bobek – Letecký den
Bob & Bobby – Airshow

Bob a Bobek – Den dobrých skutků
Bob & Bobby – Day of good deeds

Bob a Bobek – Růžena
Bob & Bobby – Rose

Bob a Bobek – Cesta na jih
Bob & Bobby – The road to the south

Bob a Bobek – Zahradníci v Africe
Bob & Bobby – Gardeners in Africa

Bob a Bobek – Putování s velbloudem
Bob & Bobby – Traveling with a camel

Bob a Bobek – Jezero krokodýlů
Bob & Bobby – Crocodile Lake

Bob a Bobek – Napříč Afrikou
Bob & Bobby – Across Africa

Bob a Bobek – Rozloučení s Afrikou
Bob & Bobby – Farewell to Africa

Bob a Bobek – New York
Bob & Bobby – New York

Bob a Bobek – Las Vegas
Bob & Bobby – Las Vegas

That’s all from the 4th series

5. SERIES (14x7') - Bob and Bobby on the road (2004)

Atelier Bonton Zlin - Director Ivo Hejcman, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – Mezi Indiány
Bob & Bobby – Among the Indians

Bob a Bobek – Na Měsíci
Bob & Bobby – On the moon

Bob a Bobek – Na Bobří řece
Bob & Bobby – On the Beaver River

Bob a Bobek – V aréně
Bob & Bobby – In the arena

Bob a Bobek – Amazonka
Bob & Bobby – Amazon

Bob a Bobek – Bermudský trojúhelník
Bob & Bobby – Bermuda Triangle

Bob a Bobek – Poklad Aztéků
Bob & Bobby – Treasure of the Aztecs

Bob a Bobek – Na Divokém západě
Bob & Bobby – In the Wild West

Bob a Bobek – Šaman
Bob & Bobby – Shaman

Bob a Bobek – Medvěd
Bob & Bobby – Bear

Bob a Bobek – Nasca
Bob & Bobby – Nasca

Bob a Bobek – Mexiko
Bob & Bobby – Mexico

Bob a Bobek – Na výletní lodi
Bob & Bobby – On a cruise ship

Bob a Bobek – Dobrodružství s delfínem
Bob & Bobby – Adventure with a dolphin

That’s all from the 5th series

6. SERIES (14x7') - Bob and Bobby on the road (2004)

Atelier Bonton Zlin - Director Ivo Hejcman, artist Vladimír Jiránek

Bob a Bobek – V zemi vycházejícího slunce
Bob & Bobby – In the land of rising sun

Bob a Bobek – Tibet
Bob & Bobby – Tibet

Bob a Bobek – Rajský ostrov
Bob & Bobby – Paradise Island

Bob a Bobek – Trosečníci
Bob & Bobby – Castaways

Bob a Bobek – Indie
Bob & Bobby – India

Bob a Bobek – Opuštěný tučňák
Bob & Bobby – Abandoned penguin

Bob a Bobek – Mount Everest
Bob & Bobby – Mount Everest

Bob a Bobek – V zemi sopek
Bob & Bobby – In the land of volcanoes

Bob a Bobek – Sibiřská magistrála
Bob & Bobby – Siberian highway

Bob a Bobek – Malý Čingischán
Bob & Bobby – Little Genghis Khan

Bob a Bobek – Na tržišti v Kašmíru
Bob & Bobby – In a market in Kashmir

Bob a Bobek – Létající koberec
Bob & Bobby – Flying carpet

Bob a Bobek – Klokan Felix
Bob & Bobby – Felix the Kangaroo

Bob a Bobek – Sametová hvězdička
Bob & Bobby – Velvet star

That’s all from the 6th series

7. SERIES - (10x7') - Bob and Bobby on the road (2005)

Atelier Bonton Zlin - Director Ivo Hejcman, artist Vladimír Jiránek

The first series, which was filmed at Ateliéry Bonton Zlín. Since this series, the classic opening theme song has undergone radical changes and the hat starts flying. Bob & Bobby using a flying hat they travel around the world. This is explained in the first part of this series

Bob a Bobek – Mezi piráty
Bob & Bobby – Among the pirates

Bob a Bobek – Setkání s medicinmanem
Bob & Bobby – Meeting with the medicine man

Bob a Bobek – Strašidelný hrad
Bob & Bobby – Spooky castle

Bob a Bobek – U jezera Lochness
Bob & Bobby – By Lochness

Bob a Bobek – Dobrodružství v podzemí
Bob & Bobby – Adventures in underground

Bob a Bobek – Řecká svatba
Bob & Bobby – Greek wedding

Bob a Bobek – Karneval v Benátkách
Bob & Bobby – Carnival in Venice

Bob a Bobek – V rytmu valčíku
Bob & Bobby – In the rhythm of the waltz

Bob a Bobek – Odvážní skokani
Bob & Bobby – Brave jumpers

Bob a Bobek – Konečně doma
Bob & Bobby – Finally home

That’s all from the 7th series